Aviso de Privacidad

CHAVEZ LERIN CONSULTORIA S.C., with address located at Av. Álvaro Obregón No. 250 floor 3, Colonia Roma, Cuauhtémoc Delegation, CP 06700, in Mexico Federal District, signs this privacy notice in compliance with the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties (hereinafter the "Law"). The personal data that you (hereinafter "the Holder") have provided directly or through electronic means to CHAVEZ LERIN CONSULTORIA S.C. (hereinafter "the Responsible"), have been collected and will be processed by CHAVEZ LERIN CONSULTORIA S.C. under the principles of legality, consent, information, quality, purpose, loyalty, proportionality and responsibility, in accordance with the provisions of the Law.

CHAVEZ LERIN CONSULTORIA S.C. may collect sensitive personal data depending on the service or product contracted by the Holder. In the same way, said personal data may be transferred to third parties, whether physical or legal, national or foreign, with the sole purpose of fulfilling the purposes indicated in this privacy notice.

CHAVEZ LERIN CONSULTORIA S.C. informs you that the personal data provided by the Holder will be used to (I) carry out the process and verification of conflict of independence; (II) integrate your file as a client; (III) provide the services that could become or have been contracted; (IV) as well as carry out the acquisition of rights or products related to them.

The personal data provided to CHAVEZ LERIN CONSULTORIA S.C., will be duly protected through technological, physical and administrative security measures, preventing their improper use or disclosure.

The Owner may at any time revoke the consent that has been granted to CHAVEZ LERIN CONSULTORIA S.C. for the treatment of your personal data, limit the use or disclosure thereof, as well as exercise your rights of Access, Rectification, Cancellation and Opposition (hereinafter "Los Derechos ARCO") provided for in the Law, by sending your request in buzon@chl.mx

This privacy notice may be unilaterally modified or updated by CHAVEZ LERIN CONSULTORIA S.C., informing the Owner of said changes through its website.